Aug 17, 2009

Christ in the Common

Ah, now here is the kind of Emerging theology that floors me in a way I've never experienced from other Protestant circles. Admittedly, any Christian - Protestant or Catholic - can fall into the trap of dividing the Sacred from the Common. ("The Christ in the Common" link)

At our parish, we begin Mass with a moment of quiet reflection, "to remind ourselves we are in the Holy Presence of God." I've always thought of it this way - not that God is confined to church, but that we gather together as a church especially to remind ourselves of, and re-awaken ourselves to, His presence. So then we can more easily recognize Him in our everyday common lives.


Michelle said...

Mars Hill (the main campus) isn't even half a mile from my house :)

luke said...

Rob Bell's Mars Hill in Michigan?! Really?!

That's some really good teaching there. Have you seen his nooma videos?

Kristi Ostler said...

I heard Lisa Bevere speak last weekend, and she said we need to realize the most simple occurances in life are as prophetic and spiritual as what happens in a church service. I know this, but it helps to be reminded periodically!

Michelle said...

hmm...No, is there another one? It's Mark Driscoll here..that's odd...

Michelle said...

seattle, that is...